Luxury transport hire services
How long does it take to become an agent?
You can become an approved Cars for Stars agent in just a couple of minutes!

Trusted by thousands of global organisations
How long does it take to become an agent?
You can become an approved Cars for Stars agent in just a couple of minutes!
At Cars for Stars we pride ourselves on our ability to work in an efficient manner, especially when it comes to signing up new agents. If you are thinking about joining Cars for Stars to generate further sales then allow us to talk you through the process. Joining forces with Cars for Stars can take a matter of minutes, so make use of our admirable way of working and contact us today.
After liaising with a member of our management team you will be furnished with all the relevant information you need to become an approved agent, talking you the process and procedures in which Cars for Stars work with. Make sure you have all the relevant documentation at hand when signing up. At Cars for Stars we do not work with any operators that do not have the right licenses, badges or insurance, only working with vehicle providers that will give our customers an honest service.
As a new agent we will go to great lengths to make you feel part of the business, introducing you to every department and presenting you with as much detail into what we do as possible. Making sure you have your say is something we show particular passion for, talking with you on a daily basis and gaining a relationship that will drive business success.
Effective communications is very important to us, ensuring that your cars are on the road as much as you require them to be. The activity of yours vehicles is dictated by you, allowing you to utilise our pool of customers as much as you wish.
Get in contact today and speak with a member of our management team. They will provide you with everything you need to know about Cars For Stars and what partnering with us can do for your business.
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