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Chauffeur Cars for F1 and British Grand Prix at Silverstone
Hire a Chauffeur Driven Car, Limousine or People Carrier for your Formula 1 Experience

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British Grand Prix at Silverstone
Hire a Chauffeur Driven Car, Limousine or People Carrier for your Formula 1 Experience. The Silverstone race track is steeped in history, starting out as have many similar tracks have in the UK, as an ex-World War 2 airfield. In early 1948, The Royal Automobile Club expressed an interest in the airfield as a potential racing circuit and an agreement was reached with what, at the time, was the Air Ministry. The first race, The RAC Grand Prix, was held on the 2nd October 1948 on a circuit that measured 3.67 miles and included two former runways. The winner of that race was Luigi Villoresi, in a Maserati. The following year, the runways were eliminated and a chicane introduced at Club Corner. In 1950 the World Drivers Championship was created and very first World Championship was held at Silverstone on the 13th May 1950.
In 1951, the British Racing Drivers� Club (BRDC) inherited the lease from the RAC and set about improving the circuit. Raised earth banks were added to improve the views for the spectators and the the pits, start and finish line were moved to the exit of Woodcote Corner. With other modifications, the circuit was reduced in size to 2.927 miles. The BRDC also changed the date of the British Grand Prix to July. During 1955 and 1963 the British Grand Prix was alternated between Silverstone and Aintree. In 1964, Brands Hatch became the alternative venue. During the 1960�s, safety improvements were introduced to British racing circuits. In 1971 the BRDC purchased the freehold of the entire 720 acre estate from the Ministry of Defence, this coincided with Jackie Stewart winning his second World Championship at the Silverstone circuit. During the middle of the 1970�s, the pits were extended to include 44 garages and further work was completed on Woodcote Corner. In 1987, there was another substantial change to the circuit, where the S-bend chicane was removed and replaced with a new sharp left to right bend on the approach to Woodcote Corner.
The pits were also replaced with 40 substantially larger garages and a press centre above. Further major revisions to the circuit were introduced in 1991. This included a new Becketts sequence, the Vale Link between Stowe and Club Corner, Bridge Bend and an in field loop at Priory. Further track revisions were introduced in 1994, to reduce the speeds at the circuit and improve safety. As the popularity of Formula 1 has increased, the need to improve the road infrastructure to and from Silverstone was high on the priority list, this was completed in 2003.
The 3 day British Grand Prix now attracts some 40,000 plus visitors on the Friday and Saturday with, typically, 80,000 plus for the main event on the Sunday, making it one of the most important events on the British sporting event calendar. It is also a very popular event for companies, media and event organisers looking to entertain their staff or clients and as a consequence, there is significant demand for companies providing chauffeur driven cars, people carriers and stretched limousines. Cars for Stars offer a full compliment of chauffeur cars and limousines for companies looking for transportation to or from the event. Cars for Stars is a franchised business, with offices in major locations throughout the UK and, all Cars for Stars businesses are licensed for private hire by the relevant local authority, in London this is the Public Carriage Office (PCO). This means that all Cars for Stars franchisees are registered for private hire, the limousines are licensed as private hire vehicles and the chauffeurs are licensed to drive the cars and limousines.
The chauffeur cars and limousines do not have a private hire plate attached because of a successful application for exemption. Cars for Stars have an an extensive range of chauffeur driven cars, including the Rolls Royce Phantom, Bentley Arnage, Maybach 62, Jaguar XJ, Mercedes S Class, BMW 7 Series and Chrysler 300, Mercedes people carriers and stretched limousines available in white, black, silver, candy apply red and metallic blue. From the 1st January 2008, all limousine companies, that were not previously licensed to offer limousines for hire or reward, will have to be licensed. As with all licensed limousine hire operators, Cars for Stars is open to regular checks and scrutiny by the local authorities, the chauffeur driven cars and limousines offered for hire are also subjected to stringent and regular checks. All chauffeur�s have to pass a medical and criminal records bureau check before they can be Licensed.
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